Digital Accordion model Tula 1
Why Tula ?
It's name of the city in Russia where this beautiful white pearl case has been designed.
Tula is situated 200 km to the south of Moscow and it is famous at weapon factory and museum, ginger cakes and of course the musical factory of bayans (button accordions) and russian style harmonicas.
Tula 1 Model information
The colleagues from Tula's factory has produced this custom accordion case for digital transformation. It does not have acoustic components, but dedicated for pure electronics internals.
Production plans were impacted by covid-19 crisis and there was some delay with particular components. However now the obstacles has been resolved.
Current state of production is in progress, estimated finish is end of 2020.
Stay tuned.
What is happening
While hardware is created I am working on the software improvements and has implemented extended Jazz chords support on the left hand based on my prototype. Now I am learning few jazz tunes and will try to records some demonstration.
Jazz - Ready Digital Accordion
Are you ready to play Jazz on Stradella left hand chord system?
Standard Stradella system in accordion and bayan is limited to 4 ready chords: major, minor, 7th and diminished. You can however press a combination of the left hand chords to achieve more of jazz like harmony but still there is one fundamental Stradella system limitation - the chords are all squeezed into 12 notes range of an octave, usually from F to Eb and therefore when you try to take a 9th, or 11th or 13th chord you would hear an unpleasant set of sounds within one octave, which breaks the quality of a chord you meant to take.
Musatunix digital accordion breaks the limits of the classic Stradella system and has an extended chords set in left hand. The accordion recognizes more than 50 types of jazz chords, whether you play in free left hand mode, or in ready (stradella-like) mode and uses as much octave range as needed to allow you playing really good sounding jazz chord.
Moreover, most of the chords can variate depends on what is sequence of the button combinations you press. Thus, you can easily take 9th, 11th, 13th, augmented, diminished and half diminished chords, with major, minor or dominant quality, and even have 9th or 11th deviated to half tone, and it still sounds wide and clear.
For example in the image you can see B Major 13th with sharp 11th is recognized and displayed.