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project author
Dmitry Dolnikov, Musician and Engineer
Hello! Here is my first model which was presented on the International Сompetition of piano and button accordion players AccoPremium-2019
Bayan Prototype
First Digital Electronic Button Accordion Prototype
4 Banks of sounds
128 sounds in each bank
400+ total instrumental sounds
20+ drum sets
Jazz Ready:
half hundred of jazz chords supported
Automatic accompaniment:
hundreds of styles
4 Variations, Auto-start, auto-ending, 2 fills, 1 break
Bar skip
Extended fixed chord types on left keyboard
Ready and Free play modes on left keyboard
Digital Accordion Presentation at AccoPremium
AccoPremium - Serbian and other music
Style Configuration
Electronic Accordion Rhythm Setting
Sound Selection
Electronic Accordion Sound sets
my son Alexander Dolnikov playing Saxophone with my accompaniment on Digital Accordion
Custom Digital Accordions and music software: what we do
C++ Programming
Electronics engineering
Playing Music
Music Styles Creation
Music Instruments adaptation
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